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Parents assured of long-term future for leading boys’ school  

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools has assured parents of the long-term future of De La Salle College after it was purchased from the De La Salle Brothers. Source: Herald Sun.

Education Opinion

Retraining teachers reaps results for students

A report from the Teacher Education Expert Panel 2023, written by University of Sydney vice-chancellor Professor Mark Scott, has important insights into how to make teachers highly effective, writes Catholic schools leader Ross Fox. Source: SMH.


School attendance may never bounce back: Catholic education chief

Catholic Schools NSW chief Dallas McInerney says there is a risk attendance levels will never return to normal, calling for an inquiry into the long-term consequences of shutting down schools during the pandemic. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Catholic Schools Broken Bay gets top marks

An ambitious plan and strategic direction for Catholic Schools Broken Bay is proving a great success, two-and-a-half years since it was introduced.

Education Victoria

Victoria backtracks on private schools payroll tax, lifting threshold to $15,000

Victoria’s highest-fee schools will face new payroll tax rules from next year, but the measure will raise $100 million less than expected after the Government backtracked from its original plan following fierce opposition. Source: The Age.

Education Vatican

Dioceses, religious must work together to support Catholic schools: Vatican

As Catholic schools worldwide face several challenges – including declining enrolments, funding or maintaining a distinctive religious character – the Vatican has urged religious orders, dioceses and laypeople to come together to “take risks” and be creative in finding solutions. Source: CNS.


Education Minister goes back to school

Federal Education Minister Jason Clare visited students and staff from St Felix Catholic Primary School, Bankstown, yesterday and met with Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins and Sydney Catholic Schools executive director Tony Farley.

Education Leadership

Girls in Property program encourages participation in industry

Property moguls of the future at St Pius X High School in the Newcastle suburb of Adamstown have proved no challenge is out of reach for a group of dedicated girl bosses. Source: MNnews.Today.

Education First Nations

Organisation that helps First Nations Catholic students gets top award

The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation, which has helped thousands of Catholic school students complete years 11 and 12, has been named the 2023 Philanthropic Foundation of the Year at the Queensland Community Foundation Philanthropy Awards. Source: The Catholic Leader.