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Education Religion

Illuminate project lights the way for religious education

A religious education project operating in some Toowoomba Catholic schools is “lighting the way” for teachers to foster the religious life of their school.


Half of school principals ‘at risk’ of serious mental health issues 

Escalating threats and violence, punishing workloads and chronic staff shortages have hit school principals hard with an alarming 47.8 per cent triggering “red flag” alerts in 2022, new Australian Catholic University research shows.


Stronger leadership team to bolster services around the country

Edmund Rice Education Australia will be strengthened in 2023 with several new hires appointed to its senior leadership team to bolster education services across Australia.  

Education Science

Schools’ food program out of this world

Students from two Melbourne Catholic schools are learning to propagate basil plants that could end up on the plates of NASA’s astronauts at the International Space Station. Source: ABC News.


It’s thumbs up for Perth’s Catholic schools 

National Catholic Education director Jacinta Collins has visited a number of Perth Catholic schools to see how Catholic education is serving families across Western Australia. Source: Catholic Education WA.


Catholic school parents back changes to NAPLAN

Easier-to-read NAPLAN test results are being backed by the nation’s peak body for Catholic school parents, as 1.3 million Australian students have their reading, writing and maths skills assessed. Source: Yahoo News.


Melbourne schools will celebrate to the MACS

The commitment to “forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Christ” is the theme of celebrations for Catholic Education Week across the Melbourne Archdiocese. Source: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.


New website showcases Catholic education across Australia 

The National Catholic Education Commission has launched a redesigned website to showcase Catholic education, including a new resource centre, media centre and directory for Catholic education peak bodies and school authorities.

Education Leadership

Women school leaders in a class of their own

The principalship dream is now a reality for four Brisbane Catholic Education school leaders, thanks to a unique program that supports women into educational leadership.