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Environment South East Asia

Indonesian archbishop says mining plan an ecological and social threat

A Catholic archbishop in Indonesia is opposing plans to build a geothermal power plant in his diocese. Source: Crux.

Ecology Environment Religious Orders

Josephites continue discussion on the environment

The Josephite Laudato Si’ Action Plan team has released its second “conversation package” designed to spark discussion on the environment and Pope Francis’ encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. Source: Sisters of Saint Joseph.

Ageing Environment

ACU study finds ‘what’s good for the planet is good for our brain’

Lack of green space and air pollution in neighbourhoods play a pivotal role in shaping cognitive health – the ability to think, learn and remember clearly over time – and can contribute to developing conditions like dementia, new Australian Catholic University research has found.

Cost Of Living Environment

Battery, solar schemes coming to zap household bills by up to $1000

Both major parties are quietly drafting schemes to partly subsidise households to install batteries and rooftop solar panels ahead of the next federal election, which experts say could save billpayers up to $1000 a year. Source: The Age.


Season of Creation ‘a time to see with new eyes and listen with new ears’

More than 145 representatives from dioceses, parishes and schools across Australia participated in a three-day “Season of Creation Convocation”, which ended on Saturday. Source: Catholic Earthcare.

Environment South America

Bolivia’s bishops call for urgent action on ‘ecological disaster’  

Bolivia’s bishops have urged the country’s authorities to act quickly in staving off irreparable harm to people and the environment as raging wildfires continue to devastate millions of acres. Source: OSV News.

Environment Reflection

Taking the Season of Creation to heart

In his prayer for September, Pope Francis returns to one of his central preoccupations: the threat to our environment and to the people affected by that threat, writes Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Environment Vatican

Children visiting Vatican Gardens learn to appreciate nature

Vatican Museums has introduced a new family-friendly excursion through the papal gardens, an experience designed to teach children how to “contemplate and appreciate nature”. Source: CNA.

Ecumenism Environment

Religious groups have role to play in climate action

Respecting the God-given dignity of the human person and the integrity of God’s creation “are inseparable,” Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said in his message for the September 1 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: OSV News.