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Environment South East Asia

Church in the Philippines hold prayer assembly against mining

The Church in the Philippines held a prayer assembly to highlight the adverse impacts of mining on a historic, mineral-rich island in the archipelago. Source: UCA News.

Climate Environment United Nations

COP28 leaves Catholic officials with mixed feelings

Catholic officials present at the United Nations climate summit in Dubai had mixed reactions to the summit’s conclusion, as nearly 200 countries agreed for the first time to shift away from fossil fuels. Source: NCR Online.

Climate Environment

Lismore floods used to highlight effects of climate change at COP28

The record 2022 northern New South Wales floods are being used to highlight the effects of climate change at the COP28 United Nations conference this weekend. Source: Daily Telegraph.

Environment Health

Small changes produce big result for Calvary Adelaide Hospital 

South Australia’s largest private hospital, Calvary Adelaide Hospital, has cut carbon emissions equal to taking 521 passenger vehicles off the road in a year. 

Ecology Environment Pope Francis

Pope marks two-year anniversary of platform, asks for prayers for COP28

Pope Francis has marked the two-year anniversary of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, which aims to promote care for the environment. Source: Vatican News.

Climate Environment Pope Francis

Pope to address COP28 climate change conference in Dubai

Pope Francis has confirmed he will attend the United Nations’ COP28 climate change conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Source: NCR Online.

Ecology Environment

Caritas Internationalis launches ‘Global Year of Action’ on climate change

Caritas Internationalis has launched a Global Year of Action on climate change, to empower individuals and communities to use their voices to address urgent environmental challenges and create a sustainable, socially just future. Source: Caritas Australia.

Charity Environment Pope Francis

Caritas Australia backs Pope’s ‘ecological vision’

Caritas Australia has welcomed Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, To All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis, which was released on Wednesday.

Ecology Environment

Francis urges dramatic action to combat climate change

Warning that “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point”, Pope Francis yesterday released a new document urging dramatic action to combat climate change. Source: Crux.