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Ethics New Zealand

Bishops add ethics to NZ politicians’ summer reading list

New Zealand’s Catholic bishops have given a copy of their new ethics teaching document to all 123 members of the country’s recently elected Parliament. Source: NZCBC.

Ethics New Zealand Pro-Life

New Zealand bishops update document on protection and promotion of life

New Zealand’s Catholic bishops have updated and expanded an important 1997 document that inspires the active protection and promotion of all life. Source: NZ Catholic.

Ethics Science

Ethicists warn birth of ‘three-parent baby’ comes at high moral cost

Catholic ethicists greeted the news that the first baby has been born in the United Kingdom after being conceived via a “three-parent” embryo modification technique with caution and strong criticism. Source: NCR Register.

Ethics Technology

Interfaith leaders join Vatican push for AI code of ethics

Representatives of the Muslim, Catholic and Jewish faiths have come together at the Vatican to sign a document calling for a code of ethics for the use of artificial intelligence. Source: CNS.

Ethics Health

Negotiating the conflict between faith and the law

The conflict between ethics, directives and laws for health care workers has become an increasingly fraught issue. A conference this weekend looks at how to respond to rising intolerance of faith and ethics. Source: The Catholic Weekly.