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Families Vatican

Vatican launches compact for families with Pope’s support

Pope Francis urged Catholics not to resign themselves to “the decline of the family” in a letter released for the launch of a Vatican compact for families. Source: CNS.

Families Science

Pope acknowledges 70 years of the ‘Billings revolution’

In a message to participants in the WOOMB International Congress in Rome on the 70th anniversary of the Billings Ovulation Method, Pope Francis highlighted the method’s ongoing contribution to the understanding of human sexuality. Source: Vatican News.

Families Mental Health

Former convent transformed into ‘place of healing’ for struggling parents

Mothers and families experiencing severe postnatal depression and other mental illnesses will be cared for, with their babies, in Queensland’s first dedicated perinatal mental health centre. Source: The Australian. 

Families Migrants

Migration rules could split Catholic family

After 17 years in Australia, the Donagemma family is praying that they won’t be forced apart by immigration rules when their youngest daughter desperately needs them to stay together. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Families First Nations Social Services

MacKillop Family Services releases second Reconciliation Action Plan

MacKillop Family Services has launched its second Reconciliation Action Plan, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.

Families United Nations

United Nations calls on Australia to ban smacking

Australian parents would face criminal consequences for smacking their children if the country adopted a United Nations push to outlaw corporal punishment. Source: Perth Now.

Appointment Families

Centacare appoints new leadership team

Child protection and family support services specialist Leanne Haddad has been appointed director of Centacare Catholic Family Services in South Australia. Source: The Southern Cross.


Writing the playbook on playgroups

Australian Catholic University has partnered with Playgroup Australia to help develop a national Playgroup Statement outlining the purpose, benefits and future direction of playgroups.