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Education Family Violence Western Australia

Catholic schools to be included in program after $1.5m funding boost 

A school-based program that promotes gender equality and targets toxic masculinity will receive a $1.5 million funding boost to allow its expansion in Western Australia’s Catholic and other non-government schools. Source: The West Australian.

Family Violence

Shining a Light on domestic and family violence

A new report is “Shining a Light” on ways the Church is responding to domestic and family violence in the Sale Diocese. Source: Catholic Social Services Victoria.

Family Violence Women

Pope criticises media’s ‘ambiguous’ role in campaign to stop violence against women

Calling violence against women a “poisonous weed” that must be eradicated, Pope Francis has told the media that their campaigns to stop the violence often are offset by the way they glorify a person’s ability “to attract and dominate the other”. Source: CNS.

Family Violence

Lack of suitable housing contributing to family abuse crisis in Queensland

A Centacare family support expert says a dire lack of safe and available housing for women and children exposed to domestic violence is contributing to Queensland’s ongoing crisis. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Family Violence Housing New South Wales

Family violence victims get greater access to accommodation 

Those seeking emergency accommodation in New South Wales will now have greater access and a higher asset threshold to qualify, the Minns Government announced. Source: Yahoo News.

Family Violence

Red Bench to start conversations on domestic violence

Brisbane’s St Stephen’s Cathedral precinct is home to the city’s first Red Bench – a place to sit and have a conversation about domestic violence. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Family Violence

Parishioner wants more from Church in fight against domestic violence

Brisbane parishioner Carole Danby hopes to see the Church do more to raise its voice against the scourge of domestic and family violence in Queensland. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Family Violence Research

Two-thirds of abused children face more than one type of maltreatment

Australian-first research into the prevalence of childhood maltreatment has revealed almost two-thirds of children who experience any child abuse or neglect have been subjected to more than one type. Source: ACU.

Family Violence Politics

Labor considered using quarantine facilities as domestic violence shelters

The Federal Government has considered transforming quarantine facilities built during the pandemic into emergency shelters for people fleeing domestic violence, according to documents obtained under freedom of information laws. Source: The Guardian.