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Punters choosing lifetime bans from online gambling

Almost 10,000 Australians have signed up to a register preventing them from gambling online, with most choosing a lifelong exclusion period. Source: The West Australian.

Gambling Victoria

Victorians back crackdown on poker machines

The majority of Victorians support mandatory pre-commitment limits and carded play on all Victorian poker machines which the Andrews Government has committed to without announcing when it will introduce the reforms. Source: The Age.


Self-exclusion register helps problem gamblers help themselves

A new service will help people struggling with gambling to cut themselves off from placing bets with the launch of the national self-exclusion register, BetStop. Source:

Gambling New South Wales

Independent MP’s push to fast-track gambling reforms

An independent New South Wales MP targeted by the gambling industry before the state election will attempt to fast-track cashless gambling into pubs and clubs ahead of a 12-month trial, insisting the evidence to back the technology already exists. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Gambling Victoria

Victoria announces sweeping gambling reforms

Sweeping gambling reforms aimed at minimising pokies-related harm are set to be rolled out in Victoria, the Andrews Government announced yesterday. Source: Herald Sun.

Gambling New South Wales

Cashless gaming panel has ‘big job’ to do

The New South Wales cashless gaming trial will be overseen by a panel comprising police, gambling and health experts and industry representatives – including the leader of a key Catholic organisation. Source: Yahoo News.


National register allows gamblers to ban themselves

Australians will soon be able to ban themselves from all online gambling companies in every state and territory using just one form, almost five years after legislation was introduced to Parliament. Source: The Guardian.


Closing venues earlier ‘could help protect’ problem gamblers

Almost two-thirds of people playing poker machines into the morning are problem gamblers or at moderate risk of developing a problem, with research suggesting earlier venue closures could help protect punters. Source: The Guardian.


Albanese Government to ban use of credit cards in online gambling

Gamblers will no longer be able to use credit cards to punt online under a forthcoming ban that anti-gambling advocates say must be the first step in a broader crackdown on the industry. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.