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Service to remember those who have died on the streets

Sydney’s annual Homeless Memorial Service will be celebrated in the heart of the city this Wednesday at Martin Place, and organisers are inviting the whole community to join in remembering those who have died on the streets in the last year. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Report shows homelessness numbers surging

The number of people accessing emergency accommodation or living on the streets or in cars has surged, a report into homelessness across Australia shows. Source: Yahoo News.


Premier to sleep rough in support of homelessness services

Chris Minns will be the first New South Wales premier to brave the cold alongside top business leaders when he takes part in the annual Vinnies CEO winter sleepout. Source: CountryNews/AAP.


Catholics urged to speak up over possible funding cut to homeless

Catholics are being urged to speak up for the homeless and lobby for a continuation of federal funding that provides support workers for those seeking shelter. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Victorians in ‘life-changing’ housing scheme face homelessness again

Hundreds of participants in a “life-changing” Victorian housing program designed to permanently end rough sleeping face the prospect of returning to homelessness after being served with eviction notices. Source: The Guardian.


Vinnies warns homelessness services under threat

The St Vincent de Paul Society says homelessness services are under threat at a time of surging demand, as fears mount that the Albanese Government will defund hundreds of specialist homelessness support workers around the country. 


More funding fails to stem rise in ACT’s rate of long-term homelessness

The ACT’s rate of long-term homelessness – already the worst in the nation – has continued to rise despite a bigger spend on support services. Source: The Canberra Times.


Country towns recording rises in homelessness

Australia’s country towns are experiencing rising homelessness as rents skyrocket, vacancy rates plummet and people on low incomes find themselves unable to afford a home. Source: The Age.


Funding boost for Good Sams’ crisis refuge for women and children 

The Good Samaritan Inn’s vision to expand its residential services for women and children fleeing family violence or homelessness is edging closer to reality, thanks to a Victorian Government grant and a donation from Marist Sisters Australia. Source: The Good Oil.