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Health Mission

Mater welcomes visitors from ‘flourishing’ Catholic hospital in Pakistan

Mater is building ties with a Catholic hospital serving some of the most impoverished communities in Pakistan. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Timor-Leste seminarian inspired by ‘the word of Jesus’

This Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has emphasised that “in the pilgrimage of Christian life, a new beginning is always possible” – words that resonate with Clintino, a seminarian in Timor-Leste. Source: Catholic Mission.

Interfaith Mission

Catholic Mission’s interfaith program secures major grant

Catholic Mission’s Interfaith Encounters Program, which enables young people to develop new friendships, celebrate difference, deepen faith, and promote peace and social cohesion, has won a grant from Multicultural NSW’s COMPACT Program.


Jesuit Mission says ‘thanks’ to Australian community

Today, International Human Rights Day, Jesuit Mission Australia is acknowledging the Australian community for supporting its Jesuit partners in over 14 countries who work to promote peace, build resilience and defend human rights.

Asia Mission

Giving the gift of life ‘one drop at a time’

This Christmas, the Archdiocese of Yangon, Myanmar, is calling for urgent support to bring the gift of clean water to vulnerable families affected by the ongoing conflict in the country. Source: Catholic Mission.

Appointment Mission

Catholic Mission appoints new director for Victoria and Tasmania

Catholic Mission will have a new director in Victoria and Tasmania after long-serving director Kevin Meese announced he will retire at the end of 2024. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

In The Dioceses Mission

Inaugural Kirup Camino hits the track

Bunbury Diocese has marked World Mission Month with the inaugural 16-kilometre Kirup Camino walk. Source: The eRecord.


Priest visiting from Mongolia embodies work of Catholic Mission

World Mission Sunday will be celebrated this weekend under the theme, “Go and invite everyone to the banquet”, reflecting the inclusive mission of sharing God’s love with all. Source: Catholic Mission.


Solidarity Awards celebrate campaign to reduce global poverty

The 2024 Palms Solidarity Awards saw Catholic and inter-cultural community groups celebrate the individuals and organisations working towards reducing global poverty. Source: Palms Australia.