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Modern Slavery Opinion

Catholic organisations unite in battle to end modern slavery

The fight to end slavery demands patience, perseverance and courage from everyone, writes John McCarthy. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Health Modern Slavery

Catholic Health Australia wants national anti-slavery watchdog

Catholic Health Australia is calling on the Albanese Government to establish an independent anti-slavery commissioner as part of reforms to improve the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Modern Slavery

Federal police act on human trafficking as cases surge

Federal police have blocked 53 people from entering into forced marriages, being made to leave Australia against their will and enduring domestic servitude in the past year. Source: The Australian.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Church in Australia ‘making a difference’ in fight against modern slavery

Today is the United Nations International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Globally, Catholics have been called by Pope Francis to take action to end all forms of modern slavery. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Catholic organisations call on Government to beef up modern slavery law

Catholic organisations have called for laws to be strengthened in submissions to a Commonwealth review into the operation of the Modern Slavery Act.