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Palliative Care
Palliative care physician pays tribute to those who support sick, dying
Palliative care physician and academic Natasha Michael has reminded guests at a fundraising event in Melbourne of the importance of seminarians in pastoral care. Source: Melbourne Catholic.
Flourishing at end of life is possible, new research shows
Is it possible for a terminally ill person to flourish? New research from Australian Catholic University says yes – and there may be aspects of the good life that are uniquely meaningful as it ends. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Society ‘let down’ by removal from sale of drugs used for end-of-life care
Townsville Bishop Tim Harris says society has been “let down” after essential drugs for end-of-life care, including morphine, were pulled from the market. Source: Townsville Bulletin.
Euthanasia is a ‘failure of love’ in a throwaway culture
Euthanasia “is a failure of love, a reflection of the throwaway culture”, despite being falsely presented as “a form of compassion”, Pope Francis said. Source: Vatican News.
Palliative care needs greater support and vision: CHA
National Palliative Care Week (May 19-25) provides an important opportunity to raise awareness about palliative care, in particular the top-quality physical and spiritual care offered by Catholic providers all over Australia, writes Bridget Meney. Source: Catholic Health Australia.
Petition to restore funding hits 3600 signatures – and counting
A petition to raise awareness about palliative care and restore funding in New South Wales has already collected more than 3600 signatures. Source: Broken Bay News.
Doctor warns palliative care appointments could be cancelled amid cuts
New South Wales’ local health districts will be forced to reduce their planned spending on palliative care after the state Labor Government cut the budget for end-of-life care by $150 million. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.
Funding for palliative care in NSW cut by $150m to help hire more nurses
A promised funding boost for end-of-life care in New South Wales will be cut by $150 million to help hire more nurses to fill staff shortages. Source: Yahoo News.
Hospital closure will not affect health services: St Vincent’s
St Vincent’s Health Australia says an “extremely difficult” decision to close St Joseph’s Hospital in western Sydney came after years of trying to secure a viable future for the historic site. Source: The Catholic Weekly.