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Peace Pope Francis

Pray and do penance for peace: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday called on Catholics to pray and do penance for the peaceful resolution of global conflicts, saying people are born into the world to help communities thrive, not to kill. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis United States

Pope slams Trump plan for mass deportations

Faced with US President Donald Trump’s insistence on a plan of mass deportations, Pope Francis has published a letter chastising the policy and calling faithful and politicians alike to care for the poor and those whose dignity is threatened. Source: Crux.

Jubilee 2025 Pope Francis

Pope warns military and police not to be poisoned by propaganda

Thanking members of the military and the police for their service, Pope Francis asked them to be on guard against seeing other people as enemies and instead dedicate their lives to defending life, peace and justice. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis to hold meetings at home while sick with bronchitis  

Pope Francis will hold the next few days of meetings in rooms at his Vatican residence while sick with bronchitis, the Vatican said yesterday. Source: CNA.

Europe Pope Francis

Pope, Swedish cardinal mourn victims of deadly mass shooting 

Pope Francis was “deeply saddened” by the tragic shooting in a Swedish school, sending “assurance of his spiritual closeness to all affected by this traumatic incident,” in which 10 students of an adult education centre were killed. Source: OSV News.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Faith in God is ‘a force that sets love in motion’ in the world: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday continued his catechesis on “Jesus Christ, Our Hope” saying love is the force that compels people, including the Blessed Virgin Mary, to share their faith in God with others. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope reminds faithful that ‘God still calls young people, even today’

Pope Francis draws on his own vocation story in the video promoting his prayer intention for the month of February, which is for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Source: CNA.

Children Pope Francis

Pope to publish document dedicated to children

Ending a Vatican summit on the rights of children, Pope Francis announced he would publish a papal document dedicated to children. Source: Catholic Review.

Children Pope Francis

Pope tells world leaders to defend children’s rights

It is unacceptable that a child’s right to life and a dignified childhood should be sacrificed to “the idols” of power, profit, ideology and nationalistic self-interest, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.