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Ecology Pope Francis

Creation God’s gift for humanity to steward, not prey upon: Pope

Being obedient to God’s commandment and spirit of love can radically change attitudes and actions to convert people from “predators” of natural resources to “tillers” of God’s great garden of planet Earth, Pope Francis says in his message for the 2024 the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis

Pope prays for a Church and society that excludes no-one

Pope Francis prayed for the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Sunday to convert “the hearts of those who want war” to projects of dialogue and peace. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

Drug traffickers are murderers: Pope

Pope Francis described drug traffickers as criminals, murderers and “traffickers of death” during his general audience yesterday. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope blesses ambulance bound for Ukraine

Pope Francis blessed an ambulance filled with medicine and first-aid equipment that will travel almost 3000 kilometres from the Vatican to support those wounded in Ukraine. Source: OSV News.

Peace Pope Francis

Pope urges world leaders to make peace

Pope Francis yesterday appealed for world leaders to act responsibly, cultivate peace, and pursue negotiations to ongoing conflicts and wars. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Youth

Catholic university students share their concerns with Pope

Pope Francis participated in a live video call with university students yesterday in which an Australian student expressed concern that teachers in Catholic schools are espousing gender theory. Source: CNA.

Africa Pope Francis

Pope appeals for end to violence in Congo

Pope Francis has called for peace in the conflict-stricken Democratic Republic of Congo and urged its government and the international community to work jointly to safeguard lives by ending violence in the country. Source: UCA News.

Artificial Intelligence Pope Francis

Pope calls for urgent political action over AI

Political action is needed “urgently” to develop a moral and ethical framework to regulate the use of artificial intelligence, Pope Francis warned on Friday. Source: The Tablet.

Arts and Entertainment Pope Francis

Why did the Pope cross the road? To host 100 comedians

As they waited for Pope Francis to arrive at the Clementine Hall in the Vatican Apostolic Palace for an early morning audience, late-night comedy stars looked at each other and thought, “something’s wrong”. Source: CNS.