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Lent Pope Francis Priesthood

Pope Francis gives seminarians new Lenten goals

Pope Francis says Catholics – and especially seminarians – should this Lent rediscover the joy of simplicity, pay less attention to their appearance than to their prayer lives and make a special effort to get along with everyone they live with. Source: OSV News.

Africa Pope Francis

Pope appeals for peace in Sudan and Mozambique

Pope Francis has urged global leaders to push for peace in Sudan and northern Mozambique, where a Catholic mission was set ablaze. Source: Vatican News.

Arts and Entertainment Pope Francis

Pope to spotlight women’s prison art exhibit

Pope Francis will go to Venice in April to visit a women’s prison where the Holy See has set up its pavilion for the Venice Biennale, a major international contemporary art exhibition. Source: The Catholic Sun.

Lent Pope Francis

In a social media era, make private time for God: Pope

Pope Francis opened the Lenten season with a procession and Mass on Ash Wednesday yesterday, telling Catholics to carve out a silent space for God amid the buzz of the digital era in which little remains private. Source: Crux.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Francis warns of ‘the demon’ of acedia

The vice of acedia, often translated as “sloth”, can cause laziness, but it is much more than that; it is a lack of caring for anything and being bored with everything, even one’s relationship with God, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Books Lent Pope Francis

New book helps people explore Pope’s teaching on belonging

A new book guides people through an eight-day Ignatian retreat, but also provides insights into the spirituality, theology and pastoral practices of Pope Francis, according to its author, papal biographer Austen Ivereigh. Source: CNS.

Digital Life Pope Francis

Technology challenging the meaning of being human: Pope

Scientific and technological abilities, which are the product of human creativity, are accelerating at such a rapid pace that people must decide how to use their creativity responsibly, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Pope Francis Priesthood

Feeling omnipotent at root of clerical abuse: Pope

All forms of clerical abuse begin with a priest thinking he is better than others and detached from reality, Pope Francis said. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis Vatican

Blessing should not be denied to anyone: Pope

People who act shocked that a priest would bless a gay couple but have no problem with him blessing a crooked businessman are hypocrites, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.