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Media Pope Francis Youth

Pope talks abortion, LGBTQ rights with young people in new documentary

“It’s boring to talk to a priest,” Pope Francis said with a smile as he began an upfront and informal conversation with 10 young people in Rome on their questions about faith and issues within the Church. Source: OSV News.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope urges renewed consecration of Ukraine and Russia to Mary

Pope Francis has urged believers to renew the consecration of humanity – especially Russia and Ukraine – to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis

Not practising what you preach is hypocrisy: Pope Francis

To effectively witness to the Gospel, Christians need to be consistent in what they believe, how they live and what they preach, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Sacraments

God lifts us up when we hit rock bottom: Pope

Pope Francis heard confessions at a parish in Rome on Friday and encouraged people to remember that God “holds out his hand and lifts us up whenever we realise that we are ‘hitting rock bottom’”. Source: CNA.

Interfaith Pope Francis

Religions play crucial role in fostering fraternity, Pope tells Buddhists

Religions play a crucial role in fostering fraternity by promoting a culture of encounter, Pope Francis told a delegation of Buddhists who visited the Vatican yesterday. Source: Vatican News.

Catechesis Pope Francis

To be an apostle is to serve, not move up Church’s hierarchy: Pope

Being an apostle does not mean climbing up the Church’s hierarchy to look down on others but humbling oneself in a spirit of service, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Anniversary Pope Francis

For my anniversary I would like the gift of peace: Pope

Pope Francis marked his 10th anniversary as pope yesterday with a private Mass with cardinals and an appearance on what Vatican News has dubbed a “popecast”. Source: CNA.

Anniversary Pope Francis

Francis marks 10th anniversary in Chair of Peter

On March 13, 2013, the world’s cardinals went to the ends of the earth to elect a successor to St Peter who would become the first pope from outside Europe. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Pope Francis Vatican

Pope appoints five cardinals to advisory council

Pope Francis has revamped his advisory body of cardinals by appointing five new members, including Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, one of the leaders of the global synod process. Source: The Tablet.