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Papal Trip Pope Francis

Pope tells Corsican Catholics to maintain their strong religious traditions

Pope Francis yesterday visited the Mediterranean island of Corsica and encouraged the island’s Catholic majority to foster its traditional piety as secular culture grows in Europe. Source: CNA.

Peace Pope Francis

Pope calls for end to death penalty and foreign debt

Pope Francis has called on all nations to end the death penalty, divert arms spending to a global fund to fight hunger, and cancel the debt of developing nations in order to usher in a new era of hope. Source: OSV News.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Holy Spirit the source of Christian hope: Pope

The “most beautiful gift” the Catholic Church and its members can give the world is a reason to live with hope, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Human Rights Pope Francis

Millions of people deprived of basic rights due to war: Pope

As the United Nations marked Human Rights Day yesterday, Pope Francis reminded world leaders that our “human rights to life and peace are essential conditions for the exercise of all other rights”. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Theology

Pope asks that theology be made ‘accessible to all’

Theology should serve as a guiding companion for those seeking meaning and truth, particularly during life’s pivotal moments, Pope Francis said yesterday, calling on theologians and theology faculties to expand their outreach. Source: CNS.

Liturgy Pope Francis

Homilies must be short, about Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit: Pope  

Homilies must be prepared with the help of the Holy Spirit, be shorter than 10 minutes and put the spotlight on the Lord, not oneself, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis

Francis presented key to all-electric popemobile

Pope Francis was handed the key to a new Mercedes-Benz popemobile on Wednesday by the chief executive of German luxury car brand. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope invites Christians to allow God to fill their lives with hope

In his prayer intention for December, Pope Francis invites Christians to pray that each person may become a pilgrim of hope as a result of the 2025 Jubilee. Source: Vatican News.

Peace Pope Francis

Pursuit of peace not the responsibility of a few but of all: Pope 

Reflecting on the upcoming Christmas season, Pope Francis yesterday warned that if “desensitisation and indifference to the horrors of war prevail, all of humanity is defeated”. Source: Vatican News.