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Pope Francis Prayer

Every vocation a diamond in the rough that needs to be polished: Pope

Pope Francis has released his prayer intention for May, inviting prayers for the “formation of men and women religious and for seminarians”. Source: Vatican News.

Papal Trip Pope Francis

Like Venice, people are beautiful and fragile at the same time: Pope

Pope Francis went to Venice for a brief, but intense visit with women prisoners, artists, young people and thousands of faithful from this northern Italian region bordering the Adriatic Sea. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Synod

Pope asks Catholics to prepare for Synod’s ‘prophetic’ stage

The most important outcome of the current Synod of Bishops on Synodality, Pope Francis says, is the synodal process itself and not the hot-button topics discussed. Source: CNS.

Artificial Intelligence Pope Francis

Pope to join G7 discussion on artificial intelligence

Pope Francis will participate in a G7 “outreach” discussion on artificial intelligence when the leaders of the world’s leading industrialised nations countries meet in southern Italy in mid-June. Source: NCR Online.

Peace Pope Francis

Negotiated peace better than endless war: Pope

In an interview with US broadcaster CBS, Pope Francis has called for an end to the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and around the world and urged world leaders to negotiate peace. Source: Vatican News.

Environment Pope Francis

Pope marks World Earth Day with plea for bold action

Marking World Earth Day yesterday, Pope Francis reiterated his urgent plea for bold action for “our common home” and for world peace. Source: Vatican News. 

Human Rights Pope Francis

Pope offers prayers for prisoners of war and victims of torture

Pope Francis has appealed to countries at war to release prisoners and has offered special prayers for those who have endured torture. Source: NCR Online.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Temperance the secret to enjoying every good thing: Pope

Exercising the virtue of temperance is not a recipe for a boring life, Pope Francis said yesterday, but the secret to enjoying every good thing. Source: CNS.

Environment Pope Francis

Seek nature to counter polluting lifestyles: Pope 

Humanity must have more direct contact with nature to counter the modern lifestyles that are destroying the planet, Pope Francis said on Saturday. Source: CNS.