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Pope Francis

Reading literature can enrich the Christian life: Pope

In a new letter released on Sunday, Pope Francis touts the benefits of reading literature for priests and all those seeking to enrich their lives as Christian believers. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

Pope urges prayers for victims in Venezuela, Myanmar, and Middle East

Pope Francis yesterday urged prayers for those suffering due to political conflict, violence, and natural disasters, highlighting humanitarian crises in Venezuela, the Middle East, and Myanmar. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

The faithful can be fully present for others, Pope tells altar servers

Thanks to Jesus’ promise to be with his disciples always, the faithful can be fully present for others, especially those in need, Pope Francis told thousands of altar servers from around the world. Source: CNS.

Politics Pope Francis

Pope urges political leaders to be at the service of the people

Pope Francis has called on political leaders to be at the service of the poor, the unemployed and the common good. Source: OSV News.

Natural disasters Pope Francis

Pope prays for victims of Ethiopia landslides

Speaking at the conclusion of the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis offered his prayers for the victims of the large landslide that swept through a village in southern Ethiopia. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis

Beware the dictatorship of doing: Pope

In order to be compassionate and best respond to the needs of others, one must take time to relax and not be anxious about getting things done, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.

Children Pope Francis

Pope Francis visits Vatican’s Summer Camp

Pope Francis brought joy to the children of the Vatican’s Summer Camp yesterday, in what has become an annual tradition for the Holy Father. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis

Excess enslaves you, Pope warns Christians

Pope Francis has urged Christians to be an example to others of how to live a sober, non-materialistic lifestyle in peace with one’s community. Source: CNA.

Conflict Pope Francis

Pope distressed over missile strikes on children’s hospital, school

Pope Francis has expressed “great sorrow” at the news about attacks on two medical centres in Kyiv, including the largest Ukrainian children’s hospital, as well as a school in Gaza. Source: Vatican News.