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Politics Religious Freedom

Archbishop Porteous warns existence of religious schools under threat

Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous has called on the Albanese Government to reject proposals to remove protections for religious institutions from the Sex Discrimination Act because they are “a most serious threat to the existence” of religious schools. Source: The Australian. 

Education Religious Freedom

Faith-based schools raise alarm on hiring rules

Faith-based schools have urged Labor to safeguard the right to hire teachers who share their spiritual beliefs ahead of a report this week that is expected to recommend removing key protections from the Sex Discrimination Act. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom

Queensland’s proposed anti-discrimination laws ‘Orwellian’

The Queensland Government’s proposed anti-discrimination laws have been described as “Orwellian” and the “most restrictive regime for religious institutions in Australia”. Source: The Australian. 

Religious Freedom United Nations

Religious freedom ‘violated’ in one third of the world

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva has called for renewed international efforts to address the ongoing violations of human rights, including freedom of religion. Source: Vatican News.

Africa Religious Freedom

Gunmen kill 15 Catholics at Mass in Burkina Faso

At least 15 people were killed in an attack by gunmen on Catholics gathered for Mass in a Burkina Faso village on Sunday, according to multiple news reports. Source: OSV News.

Religious Freedom Sport

AFL clubs urged to deal with ‘the inclusion dilemma’

AFL clubs that promote themselves as inclusive need to “do the work” to ensure different views on race, religious freedom and sexuality can be raised, even if it makes some people uncomfortable, according to a new report. Source: The Age.

New South Wales Religious Freedom

Faith leaders welcome postponement of debate on NSW ‘equality’ bill

Faith leaders and human rights advocates are encouraged by news that debate on Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich’s “equality” bill will be postponed until mid-March. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Freedom Tasmania

Church rejects Tasmanian bill on ‘conversion practices’

The Hobart Archdiocese has submitted a response to the Tasmanian Government’s draft legislation seeking to ban “conversion practices” in relation to same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria.

India Religious Freedom

Church in India to observe day of prayer amid growing religious tensions

The Church in India has called for observing March 22 as a “day of prayer and fasting for peace and harmony in the country” amid growing religious tensions. Source: CNA.