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Religious Orders

Find your voice and make it heard

The Sisters of the Good Samaritan are inviting emerging and published writers to enter The Good Oil 2023 Writers’ Award. Source: The Good Oil.

Abuse crisis Religious Orders

Jesuits expel priest accused of abuse

The Superior General of the Jesuits has expelled Fr Marko Rupnik from the order, citing his “stubborn refusal” to obey measures imposed following credible accusations that he spiritually, psychologically or sexually abused some two dozen women and at least one man. Source: OSV News.

Religious Orders

Carmelite community in Tasmania to celebrate 75th anniversary

As the Carmelite community prepares to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its foundation in Tasmania, prioress Mother Teresa Benedicta of the Cross OCD has reflected on the enduring power of prayer and outlined her hopes for the future of the community. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

First Nations Religious Orders

Catechist formation program a new chapter for Central Australia

A formation program to enable Indigenous catechists from the Arrernte and Walpiri people of Central Australia to hand on the faith in their culture is underway in Alice Springs, with the local parish embracing the opportunity. Source: In the Word.

Health Mission Religious Orders

Partnership promotes interfaith ties in Pakistan

In a new partnership, Catholic Mission Australia is working with the Columban Mission Society to strengthen the Catholic healthcare system in Pakistan, helping to promote interfaith relations in the majority Muslim nation. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Books Religious Orders

Story of orphan ‘tells us nothing is impossible with God’

After losing both her mother and father at the age of six, Irene Kedgley found a home with the Presentation Sisters in Sydney, living on the grounds of Domremy College Five Dock for 18 years. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Anniversary Religious Orders

Salesians welcome international leader to Australia during centenary year

The international head of the Salesians of Don Bosco has wrapped up an eight-day trip to Australia with a visit to Salesian College in Sunbury, Victoria, which is home to the motherhouse of the order in Australia.

Education Religious Orders

‘Our community is lucky to be able to stand on the shoulders of the giants’

Patrician Brothers gathered with staff at All Saints College, Maitland this week as their community celebrated 140 years of ministry in Australia. Source: MNnews.Today.

Appointment Religious Orders

General secretary elected provincial, to leave Bishops Conference

Fr Stephen Hackett MSC has been elected provincial superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia and will conclude his time as general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in July. Source: ACBC Media Blog.