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Church Life Research

National survey shows Australia’s Catholics are online and multicultural

A new report has shed light on the changing nature of the Catholic Church in Australia, with more of the faithful shifting online and worshipping in non-English languages. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Research Safeguarding

Research shows journey to safeguard children ongoing in Church

Lay members of the Church have scored lowest on a range of child safeguarding measures compared with those holding other roles, new Australian Catholic University-led global research shows.

Children Research

Research shows one in 10 young Australians sexually harassed by peers 

One in 10 Australians has been sexually harassed by a peer during their childhood, new Australian Catholic University-led research shows.

HIgher Education Research

New $5 million facility boosts ACU’s research capacity

The Australian Catholic University has opened its state-of-the-art human metabolic chamber – the only one of its kind in the southern hemisphere – at its Melbourne campus in Fitzroy.

Research Youth

Three-quarters of youth questioned in international survey believe in God

A survey of attitudes among young people in eight countries about religious beliefs, prayer and social issues found that believers and non-believers were very likely to agree about the severity of environmental problems and the danger of political corruption in the world. Source: OSV News.

Children Research

Screens setting back language skills of toddlers, study finds

The average toddler is missing out on hearing more than 1000 words spoken by an adult each day due to screen time, setting back their language skills, a first-of-its kind study has found. Source: The Guardian.

HIgher Education Religious Orders Research

ACU and Jesuits launch new research institute 

Australian Catholic University will partner with the Australian province of the Society of Jesus to launch a new national research institute in Melbourne.

Family Violence Research Social Services

Agencies want more Church involvement in fight against family violence

Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Source: ACU.

Health Research

Study finds most vape stores located near schools

Almost 90 per cent of Western Australia’s vape stores are located less than one kilometre from a school, an Australian-first study by the University of Notre Dame Australia has found.