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Government looks for ways to stop kids accessing pornography

Digital IDs, voice scans and facial recognition software could be considered as part of an “age assurance” trial under consideration by the Commonwealth in a bid to stop children accessing pornography online. Source: The Australian.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding

Independent accreditation organisation praises commitment of Archdiocese 

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese has demonstrated a commitment to being leaders in the field of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, an independent accreditation organisation has found. Source: Catholic Voice.


Top marks for Congregation of Mary Queen of Peace in safety audit

A safeguarding audit of the Canberra-based Congregation of Mary Queen of Peace has found policies and procedures to keep children and adults at risk safe are developed and in place throughout the entity’s Australian operations.


Papal commission seeks public input on safeguarding principles

The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is inviting public comment on a proposed set of principles for Church bodies to reflect in their safeguarding guidelines. Source: NCR Online.

Families Safeguarding

Kids feeling at risk of abuse turn mainly to mum

An Australian Catholic University study has found that children aged 10 to 18 are most likely to turn to their mother, followed by a trusted friend, and then their father when they feel at risk of sexual abuse. Source: The Australian. 


Support grows for initiative to protect vulnerable

Hobart Archdiocese’s “Safe Communities” initiative is going from strength to strength in its work with parishes to implement measures to protect children and adults at risk of abuse and neglect.

Abuse crisis Safeguarding

Vatican abuse commission shifting to ‘impact-focused’ direction

The new projects and developments at the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors represent “a major shift toward a more impact-focused direction”, said its president, Cardinal Sean O’Malley OFM Cap. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis Safeguarding

Safeguarding minors and the vulnerable a priority for the Church: Pope

Pope Francis has told an assembly that safeguarding minors and vulnerable persons must be a priority for everyone in the Church. Source: CNS.


Full marks for Sisters in safeguarding audit

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) has published safeguarding audit reports for two orders of religious women, the Sisters of St John of God and Sisters of Mercy Parramatta, and both received full marks for compliance.