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Fr Zollner resigns from Vatican safeguarding commission

A founding member of Pope Francis’ child protection advisory board has resigned, citing a host of problems inside the commission and in its relationship with the Vatican bureaucracy. Source: Crux.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding

Diocese renews commitment to be a ‘leading light’ for safety

Parramatta Diocese has become the first Catholic entity to be accredited as a safe environment for children and adults at risk. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Safeguarding chief urges removal of any material honouring abusers

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd chief Ursula Stephens has affirmed that there should be no ongoing commemoration of clergy and religious who have abused children. Source: RiotACT.


Safeguarding expert’s meetings with local leaders ‘an encouraging opportunity’

International safeguarding expert Fr Hans Zollner SJ says his latest visit to Australia has been an encouraging opportunity to strengthen the global network of individuals committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable people from abuse.


Church publishes fifth annual report on child safety

The ongoing work to ensure Catholic settings are safe for children and that organisations are responsive to safeguarding concerns has been outlined in the Church’s fifth annual report to the National Office for Child Safety. Source: ACBC/CRA.


Safeguarding audit yields ‘outstanding result’ for Sisters

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has this week published its second safeguarding audit report for the Presentation Sisters Wagga Wagga.


Baroness challenges effectiveness of Vatican child protection body

A founding member of the Holy See’s child protection commission has echoed criticism of its leadership and questioned the wisdom of placing the body within the Vatican’s doctrine office. Source: The Tablet.


Parents need support for ‘crucial conversations’

Australian Catholic University child protection expert Professor Daryl Higgins has issued a call to action for more support to help families safeguard their children.


New national safeguarding standards include adults at risk

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has today launched the second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, covering adults at risk as well as children.