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Social Services

Catholic Social Services calls for welfare boost

Catholic Social Services Australia is calling on the Commonwealth Government to increase the rate of JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and related payments to at least the rate of the Age Pension, which is just under $80 per day.

Social Services Victoria

Report demonstrates ‘the Church at work in the world’

Catholic Social Services Victoria has today released a report that maps out the work of its 40 member organisations, demonstrating “the Church at work in the world”.

Social Services

Why social service delivery must switch from ‘choice to voice’

Public policy expert Mark Considine says Australia’s current approach to social service delivery is failing the people it is meant to support and protect. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Social Services

Bishop Long urges solidarity in the face of growing individualism

At the National Catholic Social Services Conference, Parramatta Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, stressed the need for solidarity in the face of growing individualism, especially highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Catholic Social Services Australia.

In The Dioceses Social Services

CatholicCare steps up to meet growing demand for help in regional NSW

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes delivered more hours of support and assisted more clients in 2022-23 as natural disasters and rising financial stress caused strong demand for social services in the regional New South Wales diocese.

Social Services

Faith-based groups collaborate on the three Cs

More than 200 participants from various social, health, education, parish, and Church ministries are registered to attend this week’s national Catholic social services conference, with the theme “Commons, Commonality, Common Good”. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

Social Services Youth

Campaign giving voice to young people with care experience

Today, on World Care Day, MacKillop Family Services is encouraging people to deepen their understanding of children in out-of-home care and celebrate the outcomes they achieve despite a challenging start to their lives.

For The Diary Social Services

Conference to strengthen work of Catholic social services in Church’s mission

Representatives from an array of Church ministries will soon gather in Melbourne to exchange ideas and collaborate on practical ways to address the challenges of the times at the National Catholic Social Services Conference. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

Family Violence Research Social Services

Agencies want more Church involvement in fight against family violence

Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Source: ACU.