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Social Services

Faith-based groups collaborate on the three Cs

More than 200 participants from various social, health, education, parish, and Church ministries are registered to attend this week’s national Catholic social services conference, with the theme “Commons, Commonality, Common Good”. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

Social Services Youth

Campaign giving voice to young people with care experience

Today, on World Care Day, MacKillop Family Services is encouraging people to deepen their understanding of children in out-of-home care and celebrate the outcomes they achieve despite a challenging start to their lives.

For The Diary Social Services

Conference to strengthen work of Catholic social services in Church’s mission

Representatives from an array of Church ministries will soon gather in Melbourne to exchange ideas and collaborate on practical ways to address the challenges of the times at the National Catholic Social Services Conference. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

Family Violence Research Social Services

Agencies want more Church involvement in fight against family violence

Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Source: ACU.

Politics Social Services

CSSA welcomes Labor’s overhaul of stage 3 tax cuts

Catholic Social Services Australia has welcomed the Albanese Government’s announcement that tax cuts will be restructured to better support low and middle-income Australians.

Social Services

We are only as strong as our weakest link: Bishop Long

“It is in the interest of our health and our future to ensure that everyone’s wellbeing is safeguarded,” Parramatta Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv said ahead of the 2024 Catholic Social Services Conference in Melbourne next month.

For The Diary Social Services

Catholic Social Services announces national conference

“Commons, Commonality, Common Good” is the theme for the 2024 Catholic Social Services national conference, to be held in Melbourne. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

Jobs Market Blog Social Services Welfare

Recipients say JobSeeker payment not enough to live on

A majority of people say they cannot live on the JobSeeker rate, boosting calls for the welfare payment to be increased. Source: SBS News.

Social Services

Catholic Social Services strengthens connections with Canberra

Catholic Social Services Australia member agency leaders convened for a two-day advocacy event at Parliament House this week, strengthening connections with ministers, policymakers and senior advisers.