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Bishops Synod

Bishop Randazzo: Conversion can be achieved through Christ

Personal and communal conversion is possible when a pastoral mission begins and ends with Jesus Christ, Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo told fellow participants in the Synod on Synodality on Monday. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Pope Francis Prayer Synod

Pope releases his prayer intention for October

Pope Francis has released his prayer intention for the month of October and invited everyone to embrace listening and dialogue through the Synod on Synodality that begins today. Source: Vatican News.

Opinion Synod

Synod discussions aim to breathe new life into the Church

The discussions at the Synod of Synodality’s first assembly, and any decisions made after the Synod concludes with a second assembly in 2024, are meant to breathe new life into the Church at every level, writes Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Source: The eRecord.

Ecumenism Pope Francis Synod

Francis leads ecumenical prayer vigil on eve of Synod

On the eve of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, Pope Francis joined other Christian leaders in praying that the event will be a unifying process free from ideological and polarised division. Source: Crux.

Safeguarding Synod

Papal commission asks Synod to make safeguarding a bigger priority

The Synod on Synodality should dedicate substantial discussion to addressing sexual abuse in the Church and include the voices of survivors, the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors said in a statement released yesterday. Source: NCR Online.

Ecumenism Prayer Synod

Ecumenical prayer vigil ahead of Synod approaches

Pope Francis has invited leaders of churches from different denominations to join him in prayer on Saturday, entrusting the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod to the Holy Spirit. Source: Vatican News.

Bishops Opinion Synod

Pope promotes ‘safe space’ for Synod participants

Later this week, I will be one of 15 Australians and hundreds of people from around the world heading to Rome for the first assembly of what has become known as the “Synod on Synodality”, writes Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Synod to include pilgrimage for participants, prayer for migrants and refugees

Organisers have released the schedule for the first assembly of the Synod on Synodality, which will be held at the Vatican next month, revealing plans for a participant pilgrimage and a prayer evening for migrants and refugees. Source: Vatican News.

Environment Synod

Synod office announces plan to reduce assembly’s carbon footprint

With more than 450 people gathering at the Vatican from around the world for a month-long meeting, the General Secretariat of the Synod said it is taking action to reduce the environmental impact of the Synod assembly. Source: NCR Online.