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World Youth Day

World Youth Day song strikes a chord with students

In just 20 weeks, pilgrims from Broken Bay Diocese will leave for World Youth Day Lisbon singing a new song written by one of their pilgrim coordinators and sung and recorded by fellow students. Source: Broken Bay News.

World Youth Day

Cost-cutting takes centre stage at World Youth Day

The organisers of World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon say they have lowered the cost of the main stage which will be used as an altar for the final Mass, following an outcry over the price of the construction. Source: The Tablet.

World Youth Day

Cost of altar for World Youth Day causes controversy

World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon is generating controversy over the $A7.6m price tag for the altar area from which the Pontiff is expected to celebrate the closing Mass. Source: Crux.

World Youth Day Youth

Pope says young people’s desire to attend World Youth Day fills him with joy

Pope Francis has sent a video message to young people preparing to celebrate World Youth Day in Lisbon later this year. Source: Vatican News.

World Youth Day

Pope announces registration open for World Youth Day

With a click on a tablet in front of the crowd in St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis became the first person to register for the next World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal. Source: CNA.

World Youth Day

Vatican lays the groundwork for World Youth Day

Ahead of World Youth Day 2023, a Vatican official has praised the creativity of youth and said they ought to be protagonists not only in the event, but also in the organisational process. Source: Crux.