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Artificial Intelligence Digital Life

AI priest sparks more backlash than belief

A new AI priest, launched by a Catholic teaching apostolate to answer questions about the faith, has been “laicised” after sparking online backlash. Source: OSV News.


European bishops support EU expansion, warn against ideology

Europe’s bishops have voiced support for the European Union’s future enlargement plans, saying it provides a unique opportunity to showcase the value of fraternity, but have also cautioned against the imposition of ideology and the pursuit of particular interests. Source: Crux.

Health Victoria

Church takes Victorian Government to court over land acquisition

Church lawyers have taken the Allen Government to Victoria’s highest planning tribunal over the state’s newest public hospital, claiming it was severely shortchanged when it gave up the land. Source: ABC News.

Anzac Day People

Anzac Day reminds priest of going to war on the big screen

When the opening credits roll on the 1981 Australian war drama Gallipoli, Adelaide priest Fr Mark Sexton is reminded of his time in the Australian Army. Source: The Southern Cross.


Community candlelight vigils honour Bondi victims

Hundreds of people from across Sydney ended the city’s most horrific week in years by gathering at two candlelight vigils to commemorate the victims of Bondi’s knife attack. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


One in four students failing to finish high school

School dropout rates have risen to the highest level since 2010, after nearly one in four teenagers failed to finish year 12 last year. Source: The Australian.

Charity Ukraine

Intensified hostilities in Ukraine trigger new wave of displacement

Caritas Australia’s partners in Ukraine report intensified hostilities in front-line areas and border communities, triggering a new wave of displacement as security concerns heighten and aid becomes harder to deliver. 


New network seeks to promote Lasallian mission

The newly formed De La Salle Community Association Network is bringing together Lasallians who have a strong sense and commitment to the mission of St John Baptist De La Salle. Source: ACBC Media Blog. 

Asylum-Seekers United Kingdom

Catholic charities in Britain condemn passing of Rwanda bill

Church, refugee and human rights groups have described the passing of the UK Government’s Rwanda Bill, which will see asylum-seekers sent from the UK to Rwanda, as “a dark day” and “cruel”. Source: The Tablet.