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Artificial Intelligence Pope Francis

Pope to join G7 discussion on artificial intelligence

Pope Francis will participate in a G7 “outreach” discussion on artificial intelligence when the leaders of the world’s leading industrialised nations countries meet in southern Italy in mid-June. Source: NCR Online.


Canonisation of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati ‘on the horizon’

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati could be declared a saint during the Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year, according to the head of the Vatican’s office for saints’ causes. Source: CNA.

Anzac Day

Those who gave their lives remembered at ANZAC Mass

Amid the evils and horrors of war, goodness and humanity shine through, Fr Paul Stuart RAN told the faithful at the National ANZAC Day Mass in Canberra yesterday. Source: Catholic Voice.

Peace Pope Francis

Negotiated peace better than endless war: Pope

In an interview with US broadcaster CBS, Pope Francis has called for an end to the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and around the world and urged world leaders to negotiate peace. Source: Vatican News.

Religious Freedom

Bishop ‘not opposed’ to video of stabbing remaining online

The Assyrian bishop at the centre of an alleged terror stabbing says he does not want the attack to be used as a “weapon” to suppress freedom of speech, declaring that he was concerned it could be hijacked to further others’ “political interest”. Source: The Australian.

Aged Care

St Vincent’s aged care chefs make a meal of global competitors

When you think of food served in an aged care home, a show-stopping meal of seafood paella and rice pudding with creme brulee probably doesn’t spring to mind. Source: The Age.


New director appointed for Catholic Education in Rockhampton

Rockhampton Bishop Michael McCarthy, has announced the appointment of Mr Michael McCusker as the new Director of Catholic Education for the Rockhampton Diocese effective from July.

Human Dignity United Nations

Taking the message of Mercy to the United Nations

A young Adelaide woman and member of anti-trafficking group ACRATH says that undertaking an internship in New York with Mercy Global Action has confirmed her belief that young people and faith-based organisations can make a difference to the lives of those trafficked and living and working in slave-like conditions.

Film Review

Dog and robot bromance a charming, wordless delight

Robot Dreams is an animation film with great appeal to younger audiences and good entertainment for older audiences. Source: Australian Catholics.