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Politics Pope Francis

Pope urges political leaders to be at the service of the people

Pope Francis has called on political leaders to be at the service of the poor, the unemployed and the common good. Source: OSV News.

Religious Orders

Australian Sister reflects on two years of leadership in Rome

It has been nearly two years since Brisbane-based Sr Mel Dwyer was elected to the General Chapter of the Canossian Daughters of Charity in Rome, a role that has taken her from grassroots ministry in Australia to the global stage. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Immigration Modern Slavery

Migrants pursuing workplace exploitation claims can stay in Australia

Temporary migrants can now remain in Australia for up to 12 months if they are fighting for justice from employers under a new visa. Source: SBS News.

Middle East People

South Australian runs lifeline to Gaza

Jodie Clark has quite possibly the toughest job in the world. As head of the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza, she is responsible for delivering food, medicine, fuel and other supplies to more than 2 million Palestinians. Source: The Southern Cross. 


Harvard course shows teachers how to give students ‘thinking skills’

St Saviour’s College in Toowoomba has seen the graduation of its second cohort of teachers from the internationally acclaimed Harvard Project Zero Visible Thinking course.

Homelessness Music

Music project to raise money for homeless

Melbourne-based composer Kathleen McGuire will mark the 10th anniversary of her acclaimed choral work Street Requiem with a new community music project, Australian Catholic University’s Big Sing for a Big Cause.

Families Sport

Race is on to find foster carers

Sydney City2Surf’s infamous 2-kilometre incline will not keep foster carer Dave from his mission on Sunday, August 11. Source: MacKillop Family Services.

United Kingdom

UK religious leaders call for prayers after children stabbed to death

Liverpool Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP was among religious leaders across the UK who called for prayers after three children were stabbed to death in Southport, England. Source: The Tablet.

Europe Legal Matters

Priest in Austria arrested for producing crystal meth in church rectory

A Catholic priest in Austria has confessed to producing crystal meth in his parish presbytery. Source: CNA.