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Places of worship Religious Freedom

Governments move to protect places of worship from protests

Australia’s three largest states are poised to introduce laws protecting places of worship from intimidatory protests as both levels of government scrambled to react to Friday’s terrorist attack on a Melbourne synagogue. Source: The Australian.


Catholic sector backs AMA push for greater access to out-of-hospital care

Catholic Health Australia is supporting the Australian Medical Association’s call for greater access to out-of-hospital care for patients, outlined in its position paper released yesterday.

In The Dioceses Synodality

Perth Archdiocese unveils vision for synodality in final assembly report

The Perth Archdiocese developed a comprehensive final report from its Archdiocesan Assembly, signalling a bold step toward implementing synodality and co-responsibility. Source: The Record.


Continuing rise in euthanasia deaths demands greater scrutiny

The death toll for New South Wales’ euthanasia regime continues to rise, with data released last week revealing a 50 per cent increase in the death rate since the end of February, writes Monica Doumit. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Australians on income support payments for longer, report reveals

Unemployed Australians are relying on “punishingly low” support payments as job opportunities continue to decline, according to a new report. Source: ABC News.


Jesuit Mission says ‘thanks’ to Australian community

Today, International Human Rights Day, Jesuit Mission Australia is acknowledging the Australian community for supporting its Jesuit partners in over 14 countries who work to promote peace, build resilience and defend human rights.

Middle East

Syria’s Catholic community expresses hopes for country’s rebirth as a democracy

Three representatives of Syria’s Catholic community have discussed the sudden downfall of the Assad Government and their hopes for the rebirth of a free and democratic Syria. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Theology

Pope asks that theology be made ‘accessible to all’

Theology should serve as a guiding companion for those seeking meaning and truth, particularly during life’s pivotal moments, Pope Francis said yesterday, calling on theologians and theology faculties to expand their outreach. Source: CNS.

United Kingdom

Liverpool archbishop declares 1923 healing at Lourdes a miracle

The Archbishop of Liverpool has officially declared the 1923 healing of a pilgrim to Lourdes, France, to be a miracle. Source: Catholic Herald.