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Health HIgher Education

New OT course addresses workforce shortage

The University of Notre Dame Australia is addressing the critical shortage of occupational therapists in remote and regional communities, launching a unique program focused on rural health and evidence-based practice.

Children Pope Francis

Pope tells children they can make world better, one small step at a time

Making the world a better place for everyone starts with prayer and little steps like saying hello, sorry or thank you, Pope Francis said in a letter to the world’s children. Source: CNS.

Research Youth

Three-quarters of youth questioned in international survey believe in God

A survey of attitudes among young people in eight countries about religious beliefs, prayer and social issues found that believers and non-believers were very likely to agree about the severity of environmental problems and the danger of political corruption in the world. Source: OSV News.

North America

Haitian bishops demand answers in attack that injured bishop

As violence in Haiti spirals further out of control, the country’s bishops have urged national authorities to ensure the safety and security of citizens and to provide answers after a recent explosion left a bishop severely burned. Source: Crux.

Career Guide Job Hunting

The keys to performing well in a job interview

You’ve submitted your application letter and your resume. And your prospective new employer now wants to see you in person.

Prayer Victoria

Pressure grows on Victorian councils to ditch opening prayer

There’s a renewed push for Victorian councils to remove the opening prayer at monthly meetings, with one council having removed the prayer after receiving a complaint it breaches human rights. Source: ABC News. 

Peace People

We must always strive to find a peaceful course: Cosgrove

Sir Peter Cosgrove, one of Australia’s most celebrated and decorated Catholics, has pressed the need for a spirit of service to the Church and the broader community. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Appointment HIgher Education Indigenous

ACU creates senior Indigenous role

Australian Catholic University has appointed Kelly Humphrey to the inaugural role of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous).

Children Research

Screens setting back language skills of toddlers, study finds

The average toddler is missing out on hearing more than 1000 words spoken by an adult each day due to screen time, setting back their language skills, a first-of-its kind study has found. Source: The Guardian.