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Peace Pope Francis

First step on road to peace is forgiveness of foreign debt: Pope

The annual celebration of the World Day of Peace during the Holy Year 2025 will be inspired by “the concepts of hope and forgiveness, which are at the heart of the Jubilee”, the Vatican said yesterday. Source: CNS.

First Nations Politics

Uluru Statement supporters to press on with campaign for constitutional recognition

Steadfast supporters of the Uluru Statement from the Heart plan “new messaging” about the intent of the landmark document. Source: The Australian.

Charity Homelessness

Catholic charities in Queensland say demand for help has skyrocketed

Queensland charity Rosies and the St Vincent de Paul’s Society are seeing unprecedented levels of need as the housing crisis deepens across the state this Homelessness Week. Source: The Catholic Leader. 

Education South East Asia

‘Indonesia Goes to School’ in South Australia

Indonesian language students in South Australian Catholic schools will benefit from the extension of a landmark partnership between Catholic Education South Australia and the Indonesian embassy in Canberra. Source: The Southern Cross.

Sport Vocations

Called to the priesthood – and the microphone

My first memory of the thought of priesthood came to me in prayer when I was 15 and asking God to help me to become an AFL commentator, writes Sandhurst priest Fr Jackson Saunders. Source: Sandpiper.

Evangelisation For The Diary

How to express yourself in the workplace 

The Areté Centre for Missionary Leadership will host an online event discussing how to express one’s faith in the workplace. 

Human Rights Research

Victims treated as criminals in fight against organ trafficking

Victims are recast as offenders according to Australian Catholic University research that has identified criminal justice gaps and corruption in the fight against illegal organ trafficking bazaars.

Religious Freedom South East Asia

Indonesian Christians hail move to ease building of churches

Christians in Indonesia have supported a plan to end the need for a mandatory nod from the religious harmony forums when building houses of worship, including churches. Source: UCA News.

Film Review

Pop concert thriller hits the right notes

In Trap, a man accompanies his daughter to a pop concert, only to realise the event is a trap by police to capture him. Source: Australian Catholics.