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Bishop Antoine Charbel Tarabay (centre) with newly ordained Fathers Joseph-Awtel Maroon (left) and Robert Pio Albayeh (right) (Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Australia)

The Maronite Eparchy has two new priests, with Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay ordaining Fathers Joseph-Awtel Maroon and Robert-Pio Albayeh at Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral in Harris Park in Sydney’s west.

In his homily for the double ordination on October 1, Bishop Tarabay expressed his elation at having two new priests dedicating their lives to bridging heaven and earth, and spreading the Gospel of Good News to a world that is sorely in need of it.

 “As priests, you will have many more children than you had even this morning, for the children of the Church are now yours, and you have the tremendous privilege of administering to them all the sacraments, the spiritual nourishment which flows from God and the Church in an unending stream of grace,” Bishop Tarabay said.

“Keep your gaze on our Lord and your feet will always be on the sure path. Follow Him and raise your eyes to Mary, the Star of the Sea as you walk.”

Fr Maroon’s wife, Helen, and Fr Albayeh’s wife, Josephine, along with their children, grandchildren, extended families and community of friends formed part of the 1500-strong congregation present at the ceremony.

While Fr Maroon was born in Parramatta, Fr Albayeh was born and raised in the northern Lebanese village of Kfardlakous.

Fr Maroon and Fr Albayeh will serve the Maronite parishes of St Rafqa Austral and St John Paul II Ryde, respectively.


Maronite Eparchy of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania ordains Two New Priests (Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Australia)