Synodality requires people to be led by the Holy Spirit which transforms them, in and through love, listening, compassion and renewal in the Church, theologian Dr Elissa Roper told the inaugural Sandhurst Assembly. Source: Sandpiper.
In her keynote address, Dr Roper presented imagery of the Church as a series of ever-expanding and continuous concentric circles of inclusion and expansion. The inner circles, representing the Church looking into itself for nourishment in Christ and in Communion; the outer, ever-overflowing circles representing where the Church moves beyond itself in missionary and evangelising ways.
Some 330 participants representing almost every parish, school and Catholic entity in the diocese participated at the Sandhurst Assembly on February 15, a major milestone in Sandhurst’s synodal journey.
Addressing the assembly, Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay invited participants to reflect together more deeply on Pope Francis’ call to synodality.
Referencing the Synod on Synodality in particular, he said, “It’s a process that we are all part of, it’s not just about what will happen at the Assembly in Rome; the consultation process has involved people from all over the world.”
Bishop Mackinlay acknowledged the commitment, not only of those present at the assembly, but also the hundreds of people who joined preparation and consultation meetings for the Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council, as well as listening and dialogue sessions for the Australian Plenary Council and the Synod on Synodality.
Water was a key theme of the day and references to shared baptismal responsibilities flowed throughout the assembly – in the keynote address, in the liturgy, listening and dialogue, and music inspirationally led by Gen Bryant and the GB Team.
Ripples on water of Sandhurst (Sandpiper)