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Participants in the new mentoring program (The Catholic Weekly/MarilynRodrigues)

A new pilot mentoring program aims to ensure young Catholic women of the Sydney Archdiocese will have an “older sister” to lean on and learn from. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

For young Catholic women, holding steadfast to Christ’s vision and teachings can sometimes be a lonely and confusing journey.

“You are constantly at odds with people on issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and issues regarding sexuality,” said Hashya Weerakkody, the Life, Marriage and Family Officer at the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation

“It puts you at odds with people, even among family, friends and colleagues.”

The pilot mentoring program was launched by the Catholic Women’s Network at the SCE on October 17.

“A mentor is like an older sister or older friend that you can trust to give you advice or help walk you through different seasons, whether it be transitioning from being engaged to newly married or being newly married to having your first child,” Ms Weerakkody said.

“All these stages of life bring with it challenges and while no one’s life is the same; there’s a wisdom and truth that can be acquired from each of these experiences that can be shared.”

The program sees young Catholic women paired up with an older female mentor. The launch of the pilot program at the Archdiocese of Sydney chancery at St Martha’s Leichhardt saw 14 mentors and their mentees meet for the first time.

The initiative is part of the SCE’s mission to “Go Make Disciples” by strengthening connections and encouraging deeper discipleship through accompaniment.

“The encouragement a mentor can pass on to their mentee can help them serve with more boldness and courage, to share their own gifts and the beauty of the faith,” Ms Weerakkody said.


Sisterhood for the next generation (By Darren Ally, The Catholic Weekly)