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Articles By This Author


Dissenting MPs blast ACT’s ‘extreme’ euthanasia proposal

An ACT Legislative Assembly committee has recommended changes to a bill that would legalise voluntary euthanasia, to “more clearly define” who would be eligible for the scheme. Source: ABC News.

Modern Slavery Politics

ACAN advocacy wins bipartisan support for slavery survivors 

Advocates for the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network have won key amendments to Commonwealth legislation to give victim-survivors a voice in the national response to modern slavery.

Synod Women

Listening a powerful antidote to clericalism: Synod participants

The first assembly of the Synod on Synodality demonstrated that an effective way to break the chains of clericalism and highlight the experience of women in the Church is to listen and pray together before discussing issues, say two Synod participants. Source: OSV News.

Social Services

Why social service delivery must switch from ‘choice to voice’

Public policy expert Mark Considine says Australia’s current approach to social service delivery is failing the people it is meant to support and protect. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Family Violence Opinion

New report says respect the key to ending domestic violence

Is breaking the “man box” the key to ending domestic violence, asks Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. Source: Eureka Street.

Education Sport

English soccer giant teams up with Adelaide Catholic school

Liverpool Football Club has announced the expansion of its International Academy program to South Australia with the creation of a new partnership with Adelaide’s Xavier College. Source: The Southern Cross.

Religious Freedom United Nations

Religious freedom ‘violated’ in one third of the world

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva has called for renewed international efforts to address the ongoing violations of human rights, including freedom of religion. Source: Vatican News.

South America

Priests protest Argentina government’s funding cuts for city slums

Dozens of priests in Argentina have written a letter to protest President Javier Milei’s administration’s decision to cut funds for public works in the country’s poor neighbourhoods and slums. Source: Crux.

Film Review

Odd-couple tragicomic romance an uplifting affair

Fallen Leaves is a subtitled Finnish-German film about two lonely people who meet by chance in a karaoke bar. Source: Australian Catholics.