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Articles By This Author

Lent Pope Francis

Pope challenges the faithful to seek to change the world this Lent

Lent is a time to free oneself from slavery and take action to free others suffering from the multiple forms of slavery that afflict the world, Pope Francis has said in his Lenten message for 2024. Source: CNS.

Education Politics

Catholic school communities ‘offering relief for families’

National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins yesterday addressed the Senate select committee hearing on the cost of living, highlighting how Catholic school communities are offering relief for families.


South Australian figures show 110 people used euthanasia to end their lives

Figures released by the South Australian Government yesterday revealed 110 terminally ill patients accessed voluntary euthanasia in the scheme’s first 12 months. Source: InDaily.

Homelessness Queensland

Vinnies welcomes $390m funding boost to help homeless

Queensland Premier Steven Miles has earmarked a 20 per cent bump over 18 months for Vinnies Queensland and other organisations that help people living with homelessness. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Employment Politics

Tax cuts will boost workforce by 25,000 full-time jobs: Chalmers

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the Albanese Government’s stage 3 tax cut changes will boost the nation’s workforce by the equivalent of 25,000 full-time jobs, while the Coalition argues the overhaul will reduce workers’ aspirations. Source: The Age.


Three ways to experience the Word of God

The Word of God Sunday will be observed in Australia this weekend, creating an opportunity to reflect on what room Catholics make in their lives for the Bible. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Central America

Panama police launch investigation into disappearance of cardinal

The Diocese of David in Panama yesterday announced the disappearance of its bishop, Cardinal José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán, in unknown circumstances. Source: Vatican News.

Europe Sacraments

Church in Belgium appeals against ruling allowing ‘debaptism’

The Church in Belgium, facing rising protests after a television film on abuse and cover-ups in its ranks, has appealed against a government data protection agency ruling that the Ghent Diocese must let a person be “debaptised”. Source: The Tablet.

Film Review

Bush setting looms large in Australian thriller

Force of Nature – The Dry 2 is an Australian mystery thriller about five co-workers who go hiking on a staff retreat but only four return. Source: Australian Catholics.