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Articles By This Author

First Nations Politics

Craven furious after being quoted in Voice to Parliament No pamphlet

Constitutional lawyer and prominent Yes campaigner Greg Craven says he’s “beside myself with rage” after one of his quotes criticising the Government’s preferred model for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament was used in the official No pamphlet. Source: The Australian.


Resources announcement puts smile on teachers’ faces

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools will work with its primary school teachers to develop high-quality, comprehensive curriculum resource materials enabling them to focus more on the core task of teaching, where their time and energy counts the most.

Ecology Environment

Australian agronomist turns African deserts into forests

Taking inspiration from Laudato Si’ and in the lead-up to National Tree Day on July 30, Catholic Earthcare Australia is holding an online screening of the documentary The Forest Maker on Thursday.

In The Dioceses

Out-of-control car crashes through church car park

Brisbane priest Fr Enoch Iheme heard a “very loud” sound from Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Sunnybank and ran from the presbytery to find a car sitting on its roof in the parish car park on Sunday. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Peace Vatican

Vatican diplomat says Pope ‘stubbornly believes in peace’

Vatican diplomat Archbishop Paul Gallagher last week defended what he described as Pope Francis’ “strong and courageous” push for peace in Ukraine in the face of criticism from some who have said the Holy Father should take a harder line against Russia as the aggressor in the conflict. Source: National Catholic Register.

Abortion Europe

Bishops condemn European Union’s drafting of ‘right to abortion’

European bishops have condemned the drafting of a right to abortion in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, arguing that the proposed amendment would run afoul of European Union law and human dignity. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom

Pakistani Christians fear reprisal after blasphemy allegation

Fear has gripped residents of a predominantly Christian neighbourhood in an eastern Pakistan city as Muslim mobs threatened to attack them for alleged blasphemy against Islam. Source: UCA News.


Catholics reminded to preach the Gospel always, everywhere

Catholics are being urged to “preach all the Gospel, to all the world, all the time” and to consider encounter, discipleship and mission from their Catholic foundations in a new document from the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Catholic Health Australia chief to take on new role in sector

Catholic Health Australia has announced its chief executive, Pat Garcia, will leave the peak body after four years to take up a role at St Vincent’s Health Australia as group general manager of public affairs and general counsel.