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Articles By This Author

Religious Orders

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart mark major anniversaries

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart have marked two significant anniversaries of both international and local significance for their order in Campbell Town, Tasmania. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Middle East Peace

Gaza war has deepened rift between Israelis and Palestinians: Cardinal

Sudden peace negotiations or an intervention by the United States will not deliver Israelis and Palestinians from the suffering caused by the war in Gaza, a Jerusalem-based cardinal said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Greatest enemy of faith is fear: Pope

The greatest enemy of faith is fear, Pope Francis said yesterday at his weekly general audience. Source: OSV News.

Artificial Intelligence Ecumenism

Archbishop of Canterbury endorses Rome Call for AI ethics

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has joined other faith leaders, ethicists, and university professors in signing the “Rome Call” for the ethical development of artificial intelligence. Source: Vatican News.

First Nations

Churches to face truth-telling inquiry into Aboriginal injustice

Representatives from the Catholic, Anglican and Uniting churches are expected to face a public hearing at a Victorian truth-telling inquiry today as it focuses on land injustices against Aboriginal people. Source: Yahoo News.

Politics Violence

Leaders weigh plan to track domestic violence offenders

A plan to track domestic violence offenders will be considered by federal and state leaders at a national cabinet meeting today that will also canvass stricter bail laws. Source: The Age.

Pope Francis Prayer

Every vocation a diamond in the rough that needs to be polished: Pope

Pope Francis has released his prayer intention for May, inviting prayers for the “formation of men and women religious and for seminarians”. Source: Vatican News.

In The Dioceses Synodality

Adelaide assembly to focus on synodality and discernment

Adelaide Archdiocese has announced its 2024 Diocesan Assembly will be held in June, with a focus on synodality and discernment. Source: The Southern Cross.

Budget Welfare

Boost JobSeeker or entrench disadvantage, economists say

Leading economists have added their voice to calls for the Albanese Government to boost the rate of JobSeeker, saying the current $386 a week “entrenches disadvantage”. Source: The Australian.