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Aged Care

Taskforce calls for new levy to help pay for aged care

All taxpayers must stump up more, potentially through a new levy, and wealthier older Australians will need to dip into their private savings to lift the quality of aged care, a new proposal put to the Albanese Government warns. Source: The Australian.

Aged Care

Wealthy Australians likely to pay more for aged care

Older Australians who can afford to are likely to be paying more for their nursing home accommodation and everyday living expenses after a key aged care taskforce reached broad consensus on the policy change. Source: The Australian.

Aged Care

Aged care providers say Government must reimburse COVID expenditure

Amid a sector-wide crisis in financial sustainability, Catholic Health Australia says aged care providers are still wondering when hundreds of millions of dollars of emergency COVID expenses will be reimbursed.

Aged Care Disability

Café serves up intergenerational fun for residents, trainees and children

A unique social enterprise café on Victoria’s surf coast has become a thriving community hub for aged care residents, trainees with disability and young customers. Source: VMCH.

Aged Care

Construction of $42m aged care home begins with ground-breaking ceremony

Rockhampton Bishop Michael McCarthy yesterday blessed the start of construction on Mercy Haven, a $42 million aged care home facility in Rockhampton. Source: Mercy Connect.

Aged Care

One in four aged care nurses won’t get 15 per cent pay rise

Labor has been directed to fund only 11.5 per cent of its 15 per cent pay rise for nurses in aged care, as the Federal Government’s independent pricing adviser excluded one in four nurses in its calculation for the Fair Work wage boost. Source: The Australian.

Aged Care

Government’s ‘duty’ to consider levy to help fund aged care

Aged Care Minister Anika Wells says the federal government has a “genuine duty to deliberate” a levy on taxpayers to help fund a better aged care system. Source: AFR.

Aged Care

Catholic sector welcomes Government’s decision to establish taskforce

Catholic Health Australia has applauded the Albanese Government’s decision to establish a new aged care taskforce, describing it as a vital step towards resolving the great unanswered funding question left by the aged care royal commission.

Aged Care

Government launches taskforce to solve funding crisis in aged care sector 

With half of Australia’s aged care facilities operating at a loss, Labor will unleash a new taskforce to work out how the sector can be made financially sustainable. Source: Daily Telegraph.