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Digital Life Liturgy

New liturgy podcast an Australian first

Liturgy experts from Australian Catholic University have launched a new podcast exploring Australian and global perspectives on liturgy, sacramental theology, liturgical music and sacred art.

Digital Life Evangelisation

Dutch priest ‘tweets with God’ in Tasmania

Helping young people grow in understanding of the Catholic faith and tradition while nurturing a deeper relationship with God is at the heart of Fr Michel Remery’s “Tweeting with God” ministry. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Digital Life Pope Francis

Pope calls for preservation of Church’s audio-visual collection

Pope Francis is calling for the commitment of the entire Church community to preserve the Church’s historical audio-visual records. Source: Vatican News. 

Digital Life Education

New podcast brings faith to students

Religious education will be greatly enhanced in Catholic schools through a new podcast exploring key areas covered in the primary and secondary curriculum in ways that are readily accessible to all students whatever their faith background. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Digital Life

Ethical AI respects human dignity: Pope Francis

Pope Francis said emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning could be beneficial to society as long as they respect human dignity. Source: CNA.

Digital Life Schools

Melbourne Catholic schools embrace use of AI tool

Catholic schools in Melbourne are being encouraged to harness artificial intelligence writing tool ChatGPT for teaching and assessment – instead of banning it, as state schools have. Source: The Age.

Digital Life Evangelisation

Digital age offers new avenues for evangelisation

The digitalisation of culture offers the Church many new challenges, as well as a great new avenue for evangelisation, writes Fr Joshua Nash OMI. Source: The Bridge.

Charity Digital Life

Charities more vulnerable to cyber attacks than private and public sectors

Charities are more vulnerable to cyber attacks than private and governmental organisations despite each sector facing the same risks, new international research suggests. Source: Pro Bono News.

Digital Life

Vatican hosts Advent ‘digital Synod’ for Catholic influencers

Digital evangelisers and hundreds of young people from five continents met online to pray and reflect this Advent as part of a “digital Synod” hosted by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication. Source: Vatican News.