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Ecology Opinion

Pacific nations struggling with climate change must be compensated

Increasingly frequent and severe weather events are leaving Pacific Island nations struggling to rebuild but accessing funds to adapt to climate change is a challenge, writes Tongan Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi. Source: Eureka Street.

Ecology Pope Francis

Oceans are God’s gift for all generations: Pope

Pope Francis has called on governments across the globe to protect the oceans for the benefit of future generations. Source: Vatican News.

Africa Ecology

Bank accounts for 10,000 seedlings in Kenya

A Catholic diocese has teamed up with the largest bank in East Africa to restore degraded forests in Kenya. Source: NCR Online.

Ecology Religious Orders

Sisters’ decision to hand over conservation area ‘a positive outcome all round’

The Sisters of the Good Samaritan are withdrawing from the stewardship of their Wivenhoe landholding at Cobbitty in New South Wales, which the Sisters have owned since 1910. Source: The Good Oil.


Science and faith ‘share core values and purpose capable of healing the world’

A Melbourne Catholic school has taken part in the launch of a new Laudato Si’ resource from the Vatican, titled Our common home: A guide to caring for our living planet. Source: Mercy EcoCommunications.