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Education Victoria

New payroll tax on schools ‘unfairly targets’ hard-working families

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria says the Victorian Government’s new payroll tax for non-government schools unfairly targets hard-working Victorian families and won’t improve the Budget as much as forecast.


Canberra Catholic schools reap benefits of literacy program

The overhaul of the literacy approach used in Catholic schools in Canberra has led to a marked improvement in the reading skills of year 3 students, according to new analysis. Source: ABC News.

Education Opinion

Education funding debate derailed by ‘elite schools’ stereotypes

If you thought we would see the end of the school funding wars with the introduction of a fairer, needs-based funding model, think again, writes National Catholic Education Commission executive director Jacinta Collins. Source: The Age.

Education Religious Freedom

Christian schools fight for the right to a religious education

Christian schools have asked federal politicians to declare their stance on religious education, in a fightback against discrimination reform. Source: The Australian.

Education Honours

Catholic education chair recognised in King’s Birthday honours

Investment banking titan and National Catholic Education Commission chair Nicholas Moore says furthering education is the passion that will drive his later career as he was recognised at the King’s Birthday honours list. Source: The Australian.

Appointment Education

Queensland bishops go west to find new head of state education

Allan Blagaich, an education leader from Western Australia, has been named the next Queensland Catholic Education Commission executive director by the Bishops of Queensland. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Education Victoria

Catholic communities urged to lobby MPs against payroll tax plan 

Victoria’s education minister says the Andrews Government is open to lifting the private schools payroll tax threshold even further as Catholic schools urge school communities to lobby MPs against the plan to slap payroll tax on mid-priced and high-fee schools. Source: The Age.

Education Victoria

Victoria backtracks on plan to impose payroll tax on ‘high-fee’ schools

The Victorian Government has watered down its plan to strip payroll tax exemptions from 110 non-government schools, with Daniel Andrews conceding the measure will not raise as much money as forecast in the state Budget. Source: The Guardian.

Education Natural disasters

Three flood-affected Lismore Catholic schools to relocate

Lismore’s largest school will be one of three relocated after a long-awaited review of the viability of Catholic schools in flood-affected areas. Source: ABC News.