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Employment HIgher Education

University confirms $3.6 million underpayment of staff

Australian Catholic University has apologised to hundreds of staff after an extensive audit found 1100 people were underpaid $3.6 million in wages over a seven year period. Source: Herald Sun.

Disability Education Employment

Café menu includes food, coffee and a pathway to future employment

Senior students at a Good Samaritan school in Sydney embarked on a new endeavour in business and hospitality this year by opening the Cup of Peace Café – an enterprise they helped bring to life as part of their school curriculum and pathway to future employment. Source: The Good Oil.

Employment Jobs Market Blog

Lack of suitable jobs locking hundreds of thousands in poverty, report finds

A lack of suitable jobs and a trend towards insecure work is locking hundreds of thousands of people in poverty, according to a new report. Source: The Guardian.


Catholic Religious Australia backs Government’s Fair Work bill

Catholic Religious Australia has supported the Albanese Government’s proposed Fair Work legislation in a submission that calls for better protections for workers at risk of being exploited in precarious employment arrangements.


Vinnies backs call for ‘wholesale’ reform of Workforce Australia

The St Vincent de Paul Society has added its voice to widespread support for the parliamentary inquiry into Workforce Australia’s management of employment services.

Employment In The Dioceses Pacific

Parishes welcome Pacific Islander workers

Ways in which the Church and community groups can welcome and help seasonal workers from the Pacific Islands were discussed at a recent meeting in Launceston. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


A win for pensioners and welfare recipients

Pensioners and people on welfare will be able to work more before having their benefits cut under a shake-up of Labor’s jobs policies. Source: The Australian.

Disability Employment Pope Francis

Employers’ first job is to take care of their workers: Pope

Workers are human beings, not machines or “spare parts” to be used to drive production and profit at all costs, Pope Francis has told members of an organisation that advocates for people seriously injured or disabled on the job. Source: NCR Online.

Charity Employment

Workers’ rights are human rights: Vinnies

The St Vincent de Paul Society is marking Social Justice Sunday this weekend with the launch of its new policy statement on secure work for all Australians.