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From leaders to first-time believers, Ignite has something for everyone

The Church in Australia is gearing up for the Ignite Conference, a national Catholic conference to be held at the end of September in Brisbane and Greater Sydney. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Brisbane to host second School of Preaching

Preaching is the primary role of the Church, according to Xavier School of Preaching presenter and menALIVE founder Robert Falzon. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Catholics reminded to preach the Gospel always, everywhere

Catholics are being urged to “preach all the Gospel, to all the world, all the time” and to consider encounter, discipleship and mission from their Catholic foundations in a new document from the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Evangelisation In The Dioceses

Brisbane Archdiocese heads for the Summit

More than 600 delegates are this week attending Summit 2023, the Archdiocese of Brisbane’s principal gathering for this year.


Evangelist wants Catholics to ‘break the silence’ about Jesus

Evangelist and best-selling author Sherry Weddell wants Australian Catholics to “break the silence” about Jesus. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Digital Life Evangelisation

Dutch priest ‘tweets with God’ in Tasmania

Helping young people grow in understanding of the Catholic faith and tradition while nurturing a deeper relationship with God is at the heart of Fr Michel Remery’s “Tweeting with God” ministry. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


New website and companion book answer the big questions 

The National Centre for Evangelisation has launched a new website and a companion book to help answer the questions people commonly ask when they are considering becoming Catholic. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Brisbane Catholics share the Gospel at Mind, Body, Spirit festival

Sharing the Gospel, handing out Miraculous Medals, praying and talking with people “searching for answers” made for a two-day witness by Evangelisation Brisbane at the Mind, Body, Spirit festival. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Evangelisation People

Nuncio sees new opportunities to evangelise

Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Charles Balvo is upbeat about the changing role of the Church after a week spent visiting the Brisbane Archdiocese. Source: The Catholic Leader.