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For The Diary Honours

Jesuit awarded US Presidential Medal of Freedom to visit Australia

A Jesuit who will visit Australia on a speaking tour in October has been awarded the United States’ highest civilian honour, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Source: CNA.

For The Diary HIgher Education

Campion College to host ‘intellectual retreat’

Campion College, an independent liberal arts college in Western Sydney, is hosting an “intellectual retreat” for adults next month.

For The Diary In The Dioceses

Every picture tells a story about Brisbane cathedral

If you have been to a big event at St Stephen’s Cathedral in Brisbane in the past decade then chances are you have seen photographer Alan Edgecomb. Source: The Catholic Leader.

For The Diary

Spiritual advisor to Synod on Synodality to lecture in Sydney

Sydney Archdiocese’s “Scholarship at the Cathedral” series will host two Dominican speakers in back-to-back sessions in March. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

For The Diary In The Dioceses

Divine Mercy expert to speak at retreat day and healing service

An internationally renowned speaker and expert in the Divine Mercy devotion is visiting Australia this month to offer a retreat day and healing service in the Broken Bay Diocese.

For The Diary Social Services

Conference to strengthen work of Catholic social services in Church’s mission

Representatives from an array of Church ministries will soon gather in Melbourne to exchange ideas and collaborate on practical ways to address the challenges of the times at the National Catholic Social Services Conference. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

For The Diary

Czech theologian to visit Australia

Internationally renowned theologian, prolific author and “underground priest” Msgr Tomáš Halík is coming to Sydney and Melbourne for a series of lectures. Source: Catholic Outlook.

For The Diary Social Services

Catholic Social Services announces national conference

“Commons, Commonality, Common Good” is the theme for the 2024 Catholic Social Services national conference, to be held in Melbourne. Source: CSSA and CSSV.

For The Diary HIgher Education

College’s day of fun, food and fundraising

Catholic liberal arts college Campion College is holding its inaugural festival, a student-driven event aimed at raising money for the Campion College Scholarship Fund.