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Couples For The Diary

Retreat shows couples You Are Not Alone

Kevin and Helen Wagner were so ready for children after their marriage in 2005 that Helen “sobbed for days” the first time she realised they had not conceived. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

For The Diary

Catholic religious promote Church conversation on LGBTQIA+ matters

Catholic Religious Australia is bringing British theologian and author Fr James Alison to Australia this month to promote conversation and outreach in the Church on matters concerning LGBTQIA+ people.

For The Diary

Women deacons expert to deliver ACU lecture

Phyllis Zagano is often cited as an advocate for women deacons in the Catholic Church. But the US-based academic doesn’t see her work as advocacy. Source: ACU.

For The Diary

Cardinal Czerny to deliver annual Cardijn Lecture 

Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ will speak about the social teaching of Pope Francis when he delivers the annual Cardijn Lecture next week. Source: Australian Cardijn Institute.

For The Diary

Last chance to register for Evangelise conference

Catholics around Australia are encouraged to register for the Evangelise online conference which begins on Thursday. Source: ACBC Media Blog.