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Education HIgher Education Spirituality

Program boosts trainee teachers’ spirituality and skills

Australian Catholic University pre-service teachers taking part in a comprehensive mentoring program have experienced a significant drop in anxiety and dramatically improved their Catholic and spiritual literacy, new research shows.

Food Security HIgher Education

Catholic universities join forces with UN to tackle world hunger

A new agreement has been forged between the international Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to address the world’s food and health inequalities. Source: ACU.

HIgher Education

Studying at Notre Dame ‘a ticket to the world’

Having to choose between study and travel is no longer an issue for students at The University of Notre Dame Australia, thanks to a landmark student exchange agreement with its founding partner in the United States.

HIgher Education

Lessons on the importance of Catholic education

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has given leaders and students of Australia’s two Catholic universities seven reasons why the pursuit of Catholic higher education is necessary in a world increasingly antagonistic to Christian values. Source: ACU