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History Memorial

Canberra to host Holocaust education centre

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has pledged $6.4 million to build a national Holocaust education centre in Canberra and upgrade a facility in Western Australia that does school workshops. Source: SBS News.


PM, Premier join Abdallah and Sakr families for memorial garden opening

A site of tragedy was transformed into a memorial of faith and love as the memorial garden for the Abdallah and Sakr children was blessed and opened in Oatlands in western Sydney on Saturday. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Interfaith Memorial

Hundreds attend Christmas interfaith remembrance service

Hundreds of people took part in the 10th annual Christmas Interfaith Remembrance Service hosted by Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria at Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 


St Lucy’s School holds memorial service for ‘kind, cheeky, clever’ Sanad

Ten-year-old Sanad Shahriar was remembered as a “kind, cheeky, clever” boy at a memorial service held at St Lucy’s School following his tragic death in a lift accident at the school on November 1. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Bishops Memorial Vatican

‘The Lord was the centre of their lives,’ Pope says at memorial Mass

Pope Francis celebrated a memorial Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Friday for Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal George Pell and the other five cardinals and 147 bishops who died over the past year. Source: CNS.

Memorial Pope Francis

Pope to celebrate Mass for Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Francis will celebrate a memorial Mass on Friday, November 3, for Pope Benedict XVI and cardinals and bishops who have died in the past year. Source: OSV News.


Memorial awards students for ‘exceptionally high contributions’ 

Catholic school student Madison Gurney-White gained a greater understanding of her great-grandfather’s life on the far west coast of South Australia and his service in World War II when she undertook research for an award-winning digital biography. Source: The Southern Cross.


Cardinal Pell to be buried in St Mary’s Cathedral crypt

It’s a nearly 100-year-old ornate crypt with “one of the finest mosaic floors in the world” and soon it will be the final resting place for Cardinal George Pell. Source. ABC News.


Fallen Queensland police officers honoured in public memorial

Queensland has farewelled Constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold, the two police officers killed in last week’s horrific Wieambilla siege, in a public memorial service at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. Source: The Catholic Leader.